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Creatively Connecting at a Distance

Communication and design inspiration from our team while physically distancing.

It seems like many years have passed these past few months. Reaching out and communicating with those near (across town in many cases) or far has evolved and continues to look different. A little more downtime and longing for human connections, our thoughts drift to how to do well when we can't be face to face. Personally, professionally or as a brand, this is a perfect time to tap into simple shifts that don't tax our stressed out brains yet create engagement, response and if you're in business, customers.

The following are the Bubble & Hatch team's top five favorite creative articles to start a spark. They include inspiration on how to say hello, go beyond your comfort zone and stand out in a (virtual) crowd. You may also make a few new friends and followers.

With coronavirus quarantines putting limits on personal interactions, people are increasingly turning to a lost art to connect with loved ones: sending cards.

Tips for Using Instagram- Melissa Barker|Linkedin Now more than ever, businesses are taking to social media to market themselves. In a time when the only option to market to our customers is digitally, we have to be more strategic than ever. Learning how to drive engagement organically is critical for small businesses success during these uncertain times. Here are my top tips for improving your businesses’s Instagram reach and engagement, organically.

When a company intends to rebrand its product, it usually has to consider a number of critical aspects in order to achieve success. After all, rebranding isn't just about changing the look and feel of a brand: Companies are looking to clarify what they stand for, avoid confusion and build trust, while seeking to maintain a connection with its consumers, present and future. Read More

Formats for Graphics- Valentina|Inspire We Trust

In a Pinterest board you will find all graphics products with formats that have more complex production processes, that, for example, are “out format” or have a processing that is carefully designed to amaze and intrigue those who hand them.

Graphic Design Trends- Iveta Pavlova| Graphic Mama

Graphic design trends 2020 are here and about to steal your heart!

Year 2020 is less than three months away and everyone is already wondering what the world of graphic design will look like. Undoubtedly, graphic design has always been a field of deep admiration and huge inspiration to many and we all can’t wait to see what awaits. We’ve made a deep research to spot the rise in several particular trends which are expected to boom next year.

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